International Women’s Day

A great morning was had on the 8th March celebrating International Women’s Day, at the cafe of the Herbert Gallery, Coventry. Nine very creative ladies brought books of some of the women who inspired them. We started a list….Maya Angelou, Billy Holiday, Alice Walker, Virginia Woolf, George Eliot, Louise Bourgeois, Sophie Calle, Helen Frankenthaler, Kate Bush, Rachel Whiteread, Clara Peeters, Justine Themen, Judi Dench, Vivienne Westwood, Cornelia Parker, Alison Turnbull, Susan Hiller, Mierle Lademann Ukeles, Vanessa Redgrave, Cora Sandel…….as we talked, we decided that we were part of what we called ‘the real women’ and should be added….so here we are….Vanessa Oakes, Jo Roberts, Mary Partridge, Sally Carpenter, Janthi Mills, Janet Vaughan, Julie Boden, Justine Themen, Anne Forgan.

Quote of the day, “This is women’s art, it takes as long as it takes.”

3 Responses to “International Women’s Day”

  1. Lesley whelan Says:

    Was hoping to get to this but too much on (story of my life!) so unfortunately didn’t make it. Maybe get to the next one….Xx

  2. vanessa Says:

    Mary’s ‘Coventry is a benign place’ was another favourite quote of mine. ness

  3. 300milesblog Says:

    Looks like a great day – wish I had been able to be there!

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